Thursday 28 July 2011

End of A179

Just submitted my short story to A179, the Open University's short course on writing fiction. This has been my first time I have taken such a course and was very impressed and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I never thought that I was creative in any way but was pleasantly surprised with some of the work that I produced for the course. In fact if someone had said that I would enjoy writing anything then I would have been very surprised indeed.
The course was 12 weeks of fairly intensive exercises which were very enjoyable, with lots of helpful feedback from other students and the tutor. I may start putting my attempts at writing on this blog in case there is anyone who would like to see them; assuming that anyone is reading this blog.

I enjoyed the course so much I decided to sign up for the 10 month course, A215 Creative Writing, so who knows where that may lead. In any case, this is the start of my first ever blog which I hope to be able to continue of a daily basis (holidays excepting) until this writing fever leaves me, and that may not be for some time.

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